Virtual n-EWS-letter 12-02-22

Dear EWS Families,

Please click HERE for this week's Virtual n-EWSletter.

The children are excited for next week’s BOOK FAIR in the Becky Shiaris Library at EWS and Mrs. Clancy looks forward to seeing many happy readers discovering new books.  Also, Wed afternoon from 1:00-3:00 Parents only are invited to come to the Library and do some gift book shopping.

Reminder for those of you participating in the PTO Read-a-Thon that it will conclude next Friday the 9th with all pledges due on the 15th.  Thank you!

On Wed the 7th, the link for parent conferences will go live after school closes @3:40 (see detail in the n-EWSletter) and student Report Cards will be up in the Aspen parent portal on the afternoon of Friday 9th (specific time TBD by Aspen manager).  

Enjoy this first weekend of December!


Bill Campia, Principal